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How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop

July 17

18 min. to read

Want to add contrast to the edges in your photo? Learn how to sharpen an image in Photoshop with this quick and easy guide.

Sometimes, you might feel like your photos are too smooth or blurry. By sharpening them, you can add contrast along the edges of objects. Make your subject more prominent and dramatic, and add volume by learning how to sharpen an image in Photoshop.

Are you looking to learn how to fix blurry pictures? Photoshop can do wonders and help you achieve the best results with your photography. At the same time, it’s complicated and hard to master because of its many features.

Either way, our photos need more sharpness. So, let's figure out what image sharpening is and how to achieve it.

A Little Bonus Tip: Speed Up Your Editing with Luminar Neo

Before delving into Photoshop’s complex world, allow me to spotlight Luminar Neo. This advanced photo editor not only matches Photoshop's capabilities but also harnesses the efficiency of AI, enabling faster edits. Imagine achieving Photoshop-quality results but in half the time! For those eager to enhance image sharpness without the steep learning curve of intricate tools, Luminar Neo emerges as the ideal solution. Its user-friendly interface is designed for the novice just starting and the seasoned photographer seeking a streamlined editing experience.

How to Sharpen Your Photos in Luminar Neo

You can achieve a quick and easy sharpening effect with the Sharpness tool. It is located in the Edit tab under the Develop category.

Here is your brief guide on using the tool:

Step 1. Upload your image to Luminar Neo and open it.

Step 2. Go to the Edit tab and find the Sharpness tool under the Develop category.

Step 3. Tweak the following sliders for the best effect:

  • Sharpen: Determines the amount of sharpness applied to your image.
  • Radius: Modifies the area size you're targeting. This adjustment works hand in hand with the Sharpen slider, and adjusting one will substantially impact the other. To retain a natural look, especially in fine details, keep it below 50%.
  • Masking: Gives you control over which areas are adjusted. For example, you can selectively increase the contrast in areas with high contrast (i.e., eyes or foliage) while avoiding areas you’d like to leave smooth (i.e., skin or sky). If you want to adjust everything evenly, leave the masking slider at 0.

Step 4. When satisfied with the result, move on to the next adjustment, as Luminar Neo has already saved your work.

There’s nothing easier, right?

Bring Clarity to Your Photos with SupersharpAI

Experience Now

Harnessing the Power of AI-based Tools

Structure AI

Luminar Neo has more than one tool to help with sharpening your image. Choose Structure AI in the Edit tab to quickly and smartly enhance the clarity and details of any photo.

The best thing about Structure AI is that Artificial Intelligence applies the enhancement selectively and avoids human faces, where sharpening might look unnatural.

Supersharp AI

We suggest you try one of Luminar Neo’s Extensions, Supersharp AI, to solve more complicated motion blur cases.

It is a pro-level tool with simple controls that tackle general fuzziness in photos, motion blur, and can even enhance blurry faces.

Synchronization settings

If you want to give the same effect to other photos in your library, you can copy and paste the settings to other photos without repeating the same workflow. What a time-saver!

Luminar Neo is a great photo editing software if you want to unblur a picture quickly and easily. It has smart sliders and great tools and can quickly help you achieve the best results. If you’re looking for an alternative to Photoshop’s complicated tools, try Luminar Neo and see how flawlessly it’ll suit your editing workflow. This is a great tool if you want to get the job done quickly and easily.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop

Almost any photo will benefit from a little sharpening, as it adds contrast. However, it’s important to know your photo’s limits and not to overdo it.

Here’s the quickest and easiest way to sharpen images in Photoshop:

1. Open your image in Photoshop.

2. Select the photo layer in the Layers panel and navigate to the Filter menu. Choose Convert for Smart Filters so you can sharpen without permanently changing the photo.

How to Sharpen an Image in Luminar Neo With Steps | Skylum BlogPhoto by Chris Willson

3. Apply the Unsharp Mask filter.

4. In the Filter menu, choose Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.

How to Sharpen an Image in Luminar Neo With Structure AI | Skylum Blog5. In the Unsharp Mask dialog box, drag the sliders to achieve the desired effect.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With Layers panel | Skylum Blog6. Save your photo.

This is the gist of how to fix blur in Photoshop. However, there are a lot of details that we could add. For example, you can double-click the Zoom tool in the Tools panel to zoom in to 100% so you can accurately judge sharpness.

If you need to change your sharpening, you can easily do so by double-clicking Unsharp Mask in the Layers panel to reopen the Unsharp Mask dialog box.

Unsharp Mask

As you can see, in the example above we’ve used the Unsharp Mask to sharpen an image. Unsharp Mask is an image sharpening filter that has sliders for amount, radius, and threshold. Let's take a look at each of them:

  • The Amount slider lets you set the strength of the sharpening effect. The more you slide it, the more sharpening you get.

  • The Radius slider sets the width of the sharpening effect at the edges of objects. You can manage the sharpness of the pixels on the edges of your photo with this control.

  • The Threshold slider helps you control the general sharpness of an image’s area. Use it to minimize the sharpening of elements you don’t want to emphasize, like grain in the sky. By sliding it to the right, you can minimize the sharpness of oversharpened pixels.

Experiment with these sliders to see which works best for you to sharpen blurry images. Be aware that the effect will vary based on the size of your image since Unsharp Mask focuses on pixels.

Blur the Edges of an Effect

To apply a feathered edit, such as adding an angelic glow to a portrait subject:

  1. Use the 'Select Subject' tool to automatically select the person in the portrait.

  2. Press 'Q' to activate Quick Mask mode.

  3. Navigate to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Use the slider to adjust the level of blur.

  4. Press 'Q' again to exit Quick Mask mode.

  5. In the Layers panel, open the Adjustments section to modify the Brightness/Contrast or other settings of your blurred area.

Smart Sharpen

Are there any other ways to unblur an image? You can use the Smart Sharpen filter to sharpen blurry images online and add control sharpness. Basic and advanced settings include controls that let you play with different amounts of sharpness, shadow, highlights, and more. How is Smart Sharpen different from Unsharp Mask? Smart Sharpen is recommended for targeted sharpening because it minimizes noise in low-contrast areas. On the other hand, the Unsharp Mask filter is good for output sharpening.

Here’s how to apply Smart Sharpen:

1. Open your photo.

2. In the Layers panel, click an image layer or the Background, then press Ctrl-J (Windows) or Cmd-J (Mac) to duplicate it. Right-click the duplicate layer and choose Convert to Smart Object.

3. Choose Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. This will open a dialog box.

4. From the Preset menu, choose Default.

5. Lower the Reduce Noise slider to view the full sharpening effect.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With Sharpen Tool | Skylum Blog

Photo by Chris Willson

6. Choose an Amount value for the strength of the sharpening. Increase the Radius value until you see halo effects along sharp edges, then reduce it just enough to remove the halos. The image may look too sharp now, but don't worry; you can adjust it by tweaking the Radius, Fade Amount, and Tonal Width values in the Highlights.

7. To compare the unsharpened and sharpened versions of the image, press the Preview button in the dialog box. You can still change the details and sharpen your blurry image to your liking. Save your image when you’re done.

Another perk of using the Smart Sharpen filter is the ability to save settings and use them with other photos in the future.

High Pass filter

Another way to sharpen an image in Photoshop is to apply the High Pass filter. This is a great image sharpener if you don’t want to experiment with different sliders since it has only one very effective setting. 

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With Unsharp Mask | Skylum BlogPhoto by Chris Willson

1. Set the Radius Scale to the minimum and click OK. This setting will let you add grayscale to your image.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With Smart Sharpen | Skylum Blog

2. Change the blending mode for your photo.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With High Pass filter | Skylum BlogUse anything you want: overlay, soft light, hard light, or linear light. While changing the blend mode, you can see the sharpness of your photo and the areas you need to work on. Then click OK.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With High Pass filter (1) | Skylum Blog

3. Save your project or export your photo for further use.

If you’re not satisfied with the results, you can change the radius and blending mode to find a perfect balance of sharpness. Here’s how to blur a picture if you need the opposite workflow.

Shake Reduction filter

Sometimes you need to make an image sharper because camera motion produced shakiness. Photoshop has a great tool specifically designed to reduce image blurring caused by accidental camera shaking. This tool is called the Shake Reduction filter, and it can be found in the Filter > Sharpen menu. Its main function is to minimize blurring that results from several types of camera motion, including linear, arc-shaped, rotational, and even zigzag.

Here’s how to unblur an image in Photoshop using this filter:

1. Open the image in Photoshop.

2. Select Filter > Sharpen > Shake Reduction. Photoshop will automatically analyze the region of the image best suited for shake reduction, determine the nature of the blur, and extrapolate the appropriate corrections to the entire image.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With High Pass filter (2) | Skylum BlogPhoto by Chris Willson

3. The corrected image will be displayed in the Shake Reduction dialog. You can apply other adjustments to it now.

4. Save your work if you’re satisfied with it.

If you don’t see any difference, click the Preview option to see the image before and after applying the filter. Or use any other photo sharpener tool to get the job done.

Restore the Natural Sharpness of Your Photos


Sharpen image areas

The last tool we’ll touch on today is Sharpen. Its main function is to increase contrast along the edges in your photo. This, in turn, increases the apparent sharpness. The more you use this tool over an area of your photo, the more sharpening you get. Tip: If the Sharpen tool isn’t visible, click and hold on the Blur tool.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With High Pass filter (3) | Skylum Blog1. Open your image in Photoshop.

2. Choose a brush tip and set options for the blending mode and strength.

3. Select Sample All Layers to sharpen using data from all visible layers. If this is deselected, the Sharpen tool uses data from only the active layer.

4. Select Protect Detail to enhance details and minimize pixelated artifacts. You may deselect this if you want a more dramatic sharpening effect.

5. Drag over the part of the image you want to sharpen and unblur your image.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop With Shake Reduction | Skylum BlogAnd that's it! Now, to answer the question: Can Photoshop fix blurry photos? Oh yes, it certainly can! As we've discussed in the article, Photoshop provides a variety of tools to enhance and increase the clarity of blurry images. Good luck using them!


Is there a Sharpen tool in Photoshop?

Yes, Photoshop offers several methods to sharpen images, including the "Sharpen" tool, as well as filters like "Smart Sharpen" and "Unsharp Mask."

How do you Sharpen a blurry picture in Photoshop?

  1. Open the image in Photoshop.

  2. Navigate to Filter > Sharpen > Shake Reduction.

  3. Observe the corrected image within the Shake Reduction dialog.

  4. If the result meets your expectations, save your work.

How do I increase clarity in Photoshop?

  1. In the Layers Panel, select your image layer.

  2. Right-click on the layer and choose “Convert to Smart Object.”

  3. Navigate to Filter > Camera Raw Filter.

  4. Within Camera Raw, open the Basic Panel.

  5. Adjust either the Texture or Clarity slider as needed.

  6. Click OK to apply changes and exit Camera Raw.

What is a better alternative to Photoshop?

We highly suggest Luminar Neo by Skylum for photo editing enthusiasts. This AI-driven software impresses with tools like AI-based sky enhancements, seamless object removal, and detailed portrait touch-ups. For those aiming for cutting-edge edits, it stands out as a top contender in photo editing alternatives to Photoshop.

How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop: Step-by-Step Guide | Skylum How-to

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Written by

Dmytro Mykhalchuk

Landscape Photographer

My name is Dmytro Mykhalchuk, and I'm the person who is responsible for products development at Skylum. I'm so happy that I can combine my main passions like software development, traveling and photography. For me, photography is not just about capturing reality but also a way to meditate, escape from everyday worries, and feel the beauty of the world around me in a new way. I explore new corners of the world and then share its beauty with you through my photos. I love drones and digital cameras, which are my trusty companions, helping me create incredible images.

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How to Sharpen an Image in Photoshop: Step-by-Step Guide | Skylum How-to(13)