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雲の優しい魅力を取り入れて、高級感と洗練さを加えます。雲のオーバーレイは、あらゆる画像に洗練さと魔法のタッチの魅惑的な組み合わせを加え、平凡なものを本当に感動的なものに変えます。あなたが写真家、デジタル アーティスト、または趣味の写真家であっても、このパックはすべての作品を特別にする確かなものを提供します!
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop
オーバーレイを必要に応じて拡大縮小、回転、結合、マスクすることができます。上級ユーザーはLuminar Neoなどのプログラムのフィルターを使って、オーバーレイを歪めたり、傾けたり、色付けしたり、と変更できます。不透明度を調整して強さを調整し、創造力を発揮しましょう。
これらの雲のオーバーレイは、風景からポートレート写真まで、クリエイティブ プロジェクト、グリーティング カード、マーケティング資料など、多用途に使用できます。解像度が高いため、ソーシャル メディアへの投稿や大判印刷にも適しています。
使いやすく、個別のカスタマイズ オプション
このオーバーレイ パックを使って、インスピレーションを与える雲の世界に入り込み、写真で特別なムードを演出しましょう!
Born in Switzerland, Kathrin Federer has established an impressive art career from her base near Zurich. Initially, an abstract painter, her 2017 encounter with Photoshop revolutionized her creative process. Kathrin's ability to realize her visions sets her apart in the art world, and she has become a living source of inspiration to many.
Skillfully employing a diverse range of professional design software and various digital enhancement tools, Kathrin constructs breathtaking artworks. Her creative toolbox extends beyond Photoshop and Illustrator, embracing the full spectrum of digital technologies to bring her vibrant artistic concepts to life. These involve a fusion of her photographs, 3D objects, vectors, and her original digital elements, infusing her vibrant artistic concepts with life. Characterized by continuous growth and refinement, her art maintains a signature crisp style that is distinctively hers, transforming any setting with its profound visual impact.
Kathrin Federer draws her inspiration from a variety of sources. Everyday subjects, images, and her own vivid imagination often serve as the basis for her art. She has the unique ability to create an entire environment around a single inspirational object. This can be anything from grazing sheep in a pasture to a snapshot or a child's drawing. Kathrin's works reflect a part of her soul and are meant to take the viewer on a journey, make them think, or even just make them smile. She hopes to exude calm and serenity with her minimalist creations and offer a respite from the fast-paced modern world.
Kathrin Federer's style is a blend of minimalism and nature, with an occasional dash of humor, resulting in haunting, dreamlike scenarios. Her digital art is characterized by its clear depiction and unique compositions. Kathrin's meticulous attention to detail and perfectionism are evident in each of her works. She often incorporates elements such as animals, trees, mountains, and architectural features into her works. Kathrin's color choices and arrangement of elements in her works are carefully considered, often guided by intuition, and supported by a deep understanding of color theory and design principles.