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Sherwin Magsinoの10枚のJPEG 夕焼け空のコレクションは、あらゆる写真家にピッタリ。ワイド ショット、野生動物の写真、山やその他の風景のクローズ アップ ショットを撮影する場合などに、これらの空は、その卓越したディテールと鮮明さで素晴らしい作品を作るのに役立ちます。高解像度の画像により、ズームインしても細部まで鮮明に確認できるため、望遠レンズでの撮影に最適です。このコレクションは、写真を新しいレベルに引き上げるだけでなく、10種類のユニークなオプションでバラエティーと多様性をもたらすのにも役立ちます。今すぐ試してみませんか?
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop
<p>Unapologetic in brandishing his post-processing skills, Sherwin sees what’s invisible to others and translates his images so they look the way he imagined when taking them. This results in compelling, emotive visual stories for others to appreciate and remember. His style straddles the line between reality and surrealism, resulting in works that almost feel ethereal. </p><p>Sherwin has earned his rightful spot in the world of photography and has been lauded by domestic and international organizations with numerous awards — a testament to his excellence in the field, especially in producing fine art landscape images. </p><p>Manila-born Sherwin Magsino is a self-taught photographer who began his career as an illustrator before dabbling in commercial photography in 2015. His love for travel awakened in him what he considers his life’s passion — landscape photography. This wanderlust leads to uniquely enchanting images of sceneries and moments in the places Sherwin visits.</p><p>Sherwin is currently a Brand Ambassador of <a href="https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/photographers/win-magsino/" target="_blank">Fujifilm Philippines</a>, <a href="https://skylum.com/ambassadors/win-magsino" target="_self">Skylum Software</a>, <a href="http://gnarbox.com/" target="_blank">Gnarbox</a>, and NiSi Filters Philippines as well as a Your Shot National Geographic Contributor. As a representative of these brands, Sherwin conducts talks and workshops around Manila to share his experiences and inspire fellow artists who share his passion for photography.</p>