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超広角画角でのスーパーセルや歩み寄る雷雨を体感して。 長年嵐を追って生活してきたBastian Wernerが見てきた空がついにあなたのものに。 コレクションには20種類のJPEGとTIFF形式での嵐に荒れる空模様が納められています。
20 JPEG and TIFF Skies with storms
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO
Bastian Werner is a German photographer who captures images of extreme weather conditions. He’s also an avid adventurer and expedition leader. Bastian’s whole life is dedicated to weather photography. Since 2011, he has traveled Europe taking pictures of thunderstorms and other meteorological phenomena. In 2017, Bastian published a book titled "Fotografieren mit Wind und Wetter" (Photography with Wind and Weather) about weather and weather forecasting for landscape photographers, and it includes a big section on storm chasing. Be sure to check out his work!