Urban Asia B&W
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Immerse yourself in the urban jungles of Asia. The 10 Presets in this exclusive collection were carefully developed for cityscapes and street style photos, providing a unique monochrome vibe and colorful Overlays accents for an atmospheric and timeless feel.
Luminar NEO
This collection was inspired by the unique vibe of Asian supercities like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo. The 10 Presets were carefully developed to give your cityscapes and streetscapes a striking monochrome look.
There’s also a twist in the form of built-in eye-catching color Overlays in some of the Presets that add depth to your photos with vibrant accents. The combination of monochrome and a single accent color creates a beautiful contrast, making your pictures stand out.
Discover a unique way to capture vibrant life in the urban jungles of Asia and create an unforgettable photographic experience. With these Presets, you can discover an amazing new perspective in your photos!
You’ll find 10 Presets in this pack:
Night: A contrasting Preset for nightscapes
Matte: A Preset with matte shadows
Dark & Light: A Preset with slightly sunken shadows
Toning: A light Preset with a slight blue tint
Street: A Preset with low contrast, a raised black point, and significant grain
Evening: Designed for evening shots, this Preset emphasizes midtones and highlights
Sakura: A Preset in infrared style
Green toning: A monochrome Preset with an Overlay that adds green toning
Contrast: A Preset with strong contrast and clarity
Yellow B&W: A black and white Preset that leaves yellows in your photo, making it vivid
Don’t forget to share your results! Use the hashtag #madewithluminar on social media so the Skylum Team can take a look at your work!
Zespół Skylum współpracuje z setkami profesjonalnych fotografów i retuszerów, aby dostarczyć Ci Szablony, których używają najlepsi fotografowie do tworzenia swoich arcydzieł. Skylum AI Lab analizuje zdjęcia oraz przepływy pracy fotografów i tworzy Szablony, które są dostępne dla wszystkich, i które wykorzystują zaawansowaną technologię pod maską LuminarAI. Naszą misją jest skrócenie czasu i wysiłku potrzebnego do stworzenia efektownego zdjęcia i umożliwienie wszystkim czerpania radości z edycji i fotografii.