Winterflüstern Overlays
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Genieße die zarte Schönheit des Winters mit dem Overlay-Paket Winterflüsterm. Diese Sammlung enthält eine atemberaubende Reihe von Schneeflocken, die die Tiefe und das Wunder eines sanften Schneefalls einfangen sollen. Jede Textur, die von sanftem Schneegestöber im Hintergrund bis hin zu markanten kristallinen Formationen reicht, verleiht deinen Bildern eine einzigartige magische Note. Verwandle deine Fotos in eine ruhige Winterlandschaft voller flauschigem, winterlichem Charme, und lass deine Betrachter die ruhige Umarmung der gefrorenen Kunst der Natur spüren.
10 KI-generierte Overlays im JPEG-Format
Luminar 4, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, Photoshop
Dan DiPietro's journey into the world of photography started in his home state of Vermont, where he was inspired by the beauty of nature. After graduating from Champlain College with a degree in Multimedia & Graphic Design, he began his photography career in 2006, opening a path to a richly diverse career in the industry. His years of military service brought him face-to-face with a variety of different photography needs, enabling him to hone his skills across an array of applications such as studio portraits, environmental photography, commercial photography, and aircraft photography. From contributing to high-profile national commercial productions to designing visually stunning graphics for Air National Guard units across the country, Dan's creative footprint is far-reaching.