Anna Chechko

Food blogger

About the Author

Anna Chechko is a well-known food blogger. If you need to take great food photos, she has no equal. She became interested in photography when she was still in high school, and during that time it turned into a true love. Anna is also interested in modern photography gear, so she is always up to date with all the new products. If you want to find the best camera or camera equipment bag, she will tell you what you need for a particular situation. She tells the information in an uncluttered and interesting way, so it is easy for beginners to understand.

Author's publications:

How to Become a Storyteller in Photography

January 14 2023

How to Become a Storyteller in Photography

We are all familiar with storytelling. More often than not, stories from books or movies come to mind. But what about storytelling photography?

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Glamour photography: Best Tips & Poses

January 13 2023

Glamour photography: Best Tips & Poses

Imagine the cover of a fashion magazine. The model's face and her clothes look perfect, don't they? This is a great example of glamour photography, which is what we are going to talk about today.

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12 Best Bathtub Photoshoot Ideas For Stunning Photos

December 30 2022

12 Best Bathtub Photoshoot Ideas For Stunning Photos

Photoshoot with flowers, animals, cars... Yes, it's beautiful, but if you want something new, try the bathroom photoshoot! It looks creative and interesting, and you will have a lot of fun.

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What is metering in photography? Understanding Metering and Modes

December 22 2022

What is metering in photography? Understanding Metering and Modes

Wondering why your pictures sometimes turn out too dark or too light? Try to use different types of metering in digital photography and see how much better your shots become!

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Commercial Photography: Everything You Should Know About It

December 22 2022

Commercial Photography: Everything You Should Know About It

If you sell a product or provide a service, you can't do without commercial photography. At first glance, it seems simple: you just need to make good pictures. But it's much more complicated than that.

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6-Month Photo Shoot: How to Make Everything Perfect?

December 09 2022

6-Month Photo Shoot: How to Make Everything Perfect?

So, your baby is now six months old. At that age, babies look very cute, so you want to take pictures of them all day long.

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Articles by Anna Chechko: Read Articles on Photography Right Now (5)(10)