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Spring & Summer Collection

Luminar 預設置 by Marco Grassi

$ 19 .00


These 12 Signature Templates are everything you need to edit your spring and summer photos and transform them into epic shots. Whether you aim to add a pop of color and create a summery atmosphere, boost vibrance, or simply light up your images, these Templates have you covered.

What is included

12 Templates and Presets. Compatible with JPEG and RAW images.


Luminar AI, Luminar NEO

Get photos like these

Using RAW files you will easily practice retouching tips and learn how to get photos like these.

© Marco Grassi
Spring & Summer Collection(39)
Spring & Summer Collection(40)>
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© Marco Grassi
Spring & Summer Collection(41)
Spring & Summer Collection(42)>
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© Marco Grassi
Spring & Summer Collection(43)
Spring & Summer Collection(44)>
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© Marco Grassi
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Spring & Summer Collection(46)>
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© Marco Grassi
Spring & Summer Collection(47)
Spring & Summer Collection(48)>
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© Marco Grassi
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Spring & Summer Collection(50)>
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© Marco Grassi
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Spring & Summer Collection(52)>
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© Marco Grassi
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© Marco Grassi
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© Marco Grassi
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Spring & Summer Collection(58)>
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© Marco Grassi
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© Marco Grassi
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The story


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Marco Grassi

Travel Photographer. Skylum Ambassador.

Born and raised in Italy, Marco Grassi is a self-taught, award-winning photographer focused on capturing pristine landscapes. He’s also an avid adventurer and photo educator who leads workshops all over the world. Inspired by raw, natural beauty and remote destinations, Marco travels extensively to capture the many wonderful sceneries our planet has to offer.

His expeditions have taken him from the North Pole to the South Pole. During his travels, Marco seamlessly combines adventure with technical photography skills. His work has been published widely including by popular media outlets such as National Geographic, the BBC, and GEO Magazine. 

Spring & Summer Collection(72)