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Color Gradient Portraits

Luminar 預設置 by René Ledrado

$ 19 .00


Rene Ledrado has created 11 high-quality Templates that bring color gradient textures and FaceAI to your portraits, making them look cool and extraordinary, like lifestyle photos from a fashion magazine.

What is included

11 Templates. Compatible with JPEG and RAW images.


Luminar AI, Luminar NEO

Get photos like these

Using RAW files you will easily practice retouching tips and learn how to get photos like these.

© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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© Rene Ledrado
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René Ledrado

Photographer. Skylum Ambassador

René Ledrado is a certified commercial photographer who has worked in advertising since 1993.

His passion is photographing landscapes, especially during the blue hour.

René teaches photography at the Akademie Deutsche POP and the Adult Education Center in Hanover. Every week, he shares a new tutorial (mostly about Luminar) on YouTube.

His popular Luminar book has already helped many photographers get the best editing results.              

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