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This set of 10 Templates by Nancy Da Campo is for images in which nature blends with the city. The Templates in this set range from muted and moody tones to bright and colorful vibes. Add a sense of harmony of nature and modern architecture to your cityscape images!


Luminar AI, Luminar NEO

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© Nancy Da Campo
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© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(42)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(44)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(46)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(48)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(50)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(52)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(54)>
© Nancy Da Campo
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Сoncrete Jungle(56)>

The story

© Nancy Da Campo

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Nancy Da Campo

Architecture photographer and educator

 <p>Nancy Da Campo is a freelance architecture and interiors photographer born in Milan, Italy, and currently traveling extensively to discover and capture the beauty of the built environment.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Perspectives and the use of lines are two central pillars of Nancy’s content, and she’s always looking for new and interesting angles to show her interpretation of a building through her camera or drone lens.&nbsp;</p><p></p><p>Nancy regularly works with architectural and cultural institutions, tech brands, and tourism boards. </p>                           

Сoncrete Jungle(76)