Duarte Sol

Duarte Sol, a published and award-winning amateur photographer from Madeira Island, Portugal, discovered his passion for photography in 2010. Self-taught, he turned to photography as an escape from his demanding profession in Economics and Public Management. Residing on Madeira Island afforded him global networking opportunities with photographers enabling a perspective exchange, lead tours and workshops, and share his love for this intricate art form. His dedication to photography and affinity for nature converged, becoming a pathway for creative expression and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

From my initial use to the latest NEO version, I’ve seen its potential to revolutionize the photography industry. Luminar's powerful tools and extensive features provide substantial image control while maintaining a seamless, intuitive, and intelligent user experience. Its unique combination of power, versatility, and user-friendliness makes it incredibly accessible. Beyond enhancing my images, it continually pushes the boundaries of my editing capabilities. I rely on Luminar, and it’s a tool I confidently recommend to all my students and colleagues.

Duarte Sol | photographer - Skylum ambassador(10)